
Python for Network engineers with Linux and mix of Ansible and Flask

Story of this Blog Who can refer this blog:- Anyone who is curious about network automation and want to learn things on NEED TO KNOW basis. Why i said need to know ? The reason is i will only discuss things which are needed in automation and  it's dependencies not detailed theory of every stuff. Anyone who is interested in detailed theory can search on google or can request me for a class in comments. I was wandering if we can automate routine jobs for devices in our network !, The answer is yes. There were people in my organization where i am working were able to do it successfully. This made me curious how do we automate things and this led me to do some research on it and finally i was able to figure out the way. Before starting to dive into network automation we will learn few things about Linux ! You may wander why linux, when we can use windows ? Well i won't answer this yet but you will learn slowly, why i chose Linux over Windows even being a native Windows user and adm